

Make as many words as you can from the letters of a nine-letter word, making sure you use the highlighted letter. Can you beat our score?
© Pam Brophy, Geograph. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0. Source

About this picture …

Mr and Mrs... two lions at Longleat in Wiltshire. It may not be the limitless savannah, but these two seem to be looking back on a long and secure life with some contentment.


Make words using the letters shown in the grid. Your words should be four or more letters in length. All your words must include the highlighted letter in the centre. Tap on any letter to use it for your word.

ahoy airworthy airy arrow arty awry hair hairy harrow harry hart hiya hoar hoary iota oath rarity ratio riot roar rota rotary taro tarry thaw throw tray trio tyro wait wart warty wary what whir whirr whit whoa wiry with worry worth worthy wraith wrath writ
harrow rarity worthy wraith rotary throw tarry whirr ratio hoary worth wrath arrow worry hairy harry wart what wary with writ wait wiry hart iota hair awry airy arty oath riot tray trio thaw ahoy roar rota
ahoy airworthy airy arrow arty awry hair hairy harrow harry hart hiya hoar hoary iota oath rarity ratio riot roar rota rotary taro tarry thaw throw tray trio tyro wait wart warty wary what whir whirr whit whoa wiry with worry worth worthy wraith wrath writ


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Featured Music

1 2 3

Marche pour la cérémonie des Turcs

Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687)

Performed by the French orchestra ‘Les Siècles’ under François-Xavier Roth.

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Mr Beveridge’s Maggot (1651)

John Playford (ed.) (1623-1686)

Performed by the Broadside Band.

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Symphony No. 1 in E Minor

III. Juba Dance

Florence Beatrice Price (1887-1953)

Played by the Fort Smith Symphony, conducted by John Jeter.

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